Txt Utils

The ultimate tool for your text needs. All for free and without any glitches. It is not run by a single person. It is tun by a community of people like you.

Tools we provide :-

Case changer

The case changer tool allows you to convert the case of your text into various formats. This includes upper case, lower case, sentence case, and more. It is a handy tool for editing and formatting text documents.

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Reading Time Calculator

The reading time calculator estimates the time required to read a given piece of text. It uses standard reading speed metrics to provide an accurate estimation. This tool is useful for planning presentations or reading assignments.

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Text Length Calculator

The text length calculator counts the number of characters and words in your text. It provides a quick and easy way to check the length of essays, articles, or any other text documents.

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Text Splitter

The text splitter tool breaks down your text into smaller parts based on a specified delimiter. This can be useful for parsing CSV files, splitting text into sentences, or any other situation where you need to divide text.

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Email and URL Extractor

The email and URL extractor finds and extracts all email addresses and URLs from your text. This tool is useful for data extraction and can save you time when dealing with large amounts of text.

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Markdown Converter

The markdown converter tool converts markdown syntax into plain text. It supports all standard markdown features, including headers, lists, and links. This tool is useful for converting markdown documents for non-markdown environments.

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Text to Speech Converter

The text to speech translator converts written text into spoken words. It uses advanced speech synthesis technology to provide high-quality audio. This tool can be useful for accessibility purposes, language learning, or just for fun.

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QR Code Generator

The QR code generator creates a QR code from your input. You can use this tool to generate QR codes for URLs, text, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. QR codes can be scanned with a smartphone to quickly access the encoded information.

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Text Translator

The text translator converts text from one language to another. It uses Google Translate to provide accurate translations in over 100 languages. This tool is useful for translating documents, websites, or any other text.

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Emoji Remover

The emoji remover tool removes all emojis from your text. It supports all standard emojis and can be used to clean up text documents or remove emojis from social media posts.

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Text Size Calculator

The text size calculator estimates the size of your text in bytes. It can be used to check the size of text documents or to estimate the size of a website.

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The CSV to JSON converter allows you to convert CSV data into JSON format. This tool is useful for data transformation and integration with web applications.

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The JSON to CSV converter allows you to convert JSON data into CSV format. This tool is useful for data transformation and integration with web applications.

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The JSON to XML converter allows you to convert JSON data into XML format. This tool is useful for data transformation and integration with web applications.

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The XML to JSON converter allows you to convert XML data into JSON format. This tool is useful for data transformation and integration with web applications.

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JSON Minifier

The JSON minifier tool allows you to minify JSON data. This tool is useful for reducing the size of JSON files and improving the performance of web applications.

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HTML Minifier

The HTML minifier tool allows you to minify HTML data. This tool is useful for reducing the size of HTML files and improving the performance of web applications.

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JavaScript Minifier

The JavaScript minifier tool allows you to minify JavaScript data. This tool is useful for reducing the size of JavaScript files and improving the performance of web applications.

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Upside Down Text Generator

The upside down text generator tool allows you to flip your text upside down. This tool is useful for creating fun and unique text for social media posts, messages, or any other text documents.

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PDF Merge Tool

The PDF merge tool allows you to drag and rank multiple PDFs and merge them into a single PDF. This tool is useful for combining multiple PDF documents into one.

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Base64 Encoder/Decoder

The Base64 Encoder/Decoder tool allows you to encode and decode base64 strings. This tool is useful for encoding binary data into a text format and decoding base64 strings back into their original binary form.

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Unix Time Converter

The Unix time converter tool allows you to convert Unix time to various formats including local time, UTC, relative time, and more. This tool is useful for time conversion and analysis.

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